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Pay per view and Wi-Fi

Through the TV you can charge on the bill the pay movies and to enable the Parental Control. The integration to WI-FI system allows you to login by name and room number and also you can buy premiun packs.

Integrated software

  • Quadriga
  • VDA Onair
  • Guestlink
  • Videovox
  • Prodac
  • Quadriga Genesis
  • Otrum
  • Sky
  • Fracarro
  • Quadriga QConnect
  • Locatel
  • Locatel Internet
  • Irnet
  • TigerTMS
  • WI-FI Hotel
  • Guglielmo wi-fi
  • WiFISocial
  • 4ipnet wi-fi
  • Hoist wi-fi
  • Spotty Wi-Fi